There are many ways in which you can help our work at Longmead.

Working with families
Can you give friendship to parents and offer a listening ear? Do you like outdoor activities? Are you good with children? If so, you may be just the person to join our team of family support workers. We ask these volunteers to commit to staying for the weekend at Longmead and working with a family about once every 6 weeks. During these weekends we all work with the animals and on the garden, and also play games, take walks and enjoy craft activities.
For more details on becoming a Family Programme Volunteer please download the following document.
Download Family Programme Volunteer Description
House and barn maintenance
We have a team of dedicated and skilled DIY-ers who painstakingly mend, build, paint, restore and generally cherish the house and barns at Longmead. If you are experienced in DIY, or maybe even a qualified tradesman, you would be highly valued in this long-term project, as we try to return these rambling buildings to their ‘former glory’! Buildings volunteers generally come on a Monday.
General help
We also have the invaluable people behind the scenes preparing a hearty lunch on Mondays, catching up with admin jobs, dusting the bannisters, scrubbing out the animal trough and doing any odd jobs that we have.
Specific art & craft help
We are blessed with a wonderful art room with potters wheel and space with a lathe. If you have artistic/craft skills and enjoy working alongside groups or families and would be willing to come in and offer to ‘teach’ or facilitate an activity we would welcome your help.
Download Volunteering application form